Diamond type

Natural Diamonds

Natural diamonds are formed deep within the Earth when carbon atoms undergo intense heat and pressure, resulting in rough diamonds.

Lab-Grown Diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds are created in laboratories using identical conditions to those found beneath the Earth's surface. Both types of diamonds share the same chemical, physical, and optical properties, making them indistinguishable to the naked eye. The only discernible difference lies in their origin, requiring specialized equipment to differentiate between them.

Obellery diamond guide


Laboratory-grown diamonds (LGD) are also known as manmade or lab-created diamonds. They are made of tightly packed carbon atoms and have the same chemical compositions, physical properties and crystal structure as natural diamonds. These two kinds of diamond differ solely in their point of origin. Natural diamonds are formed deep within the earth, over millions of years, as a result of extreme heat and pressure, whereas LGDs are created in laboratories within a few weeks to months time. The two most common methods for creating laboratory-grown diamonds are HPHT (high pressure high temperature) and CVD (chemical vapour deposition). 

實驗室培育鑽石(LGD)又名人造鑽石或實驗室製造鑽石。它們由緊密排列的碳原子構成,並具有與天然鑽石基本相同的化學、光學和物理特性以及晶體結構。這兩種鑽石的區別在於它們的原產地- 天然鑽石是在地球經歷數十億年的極端高溫和高壓而形成的,LGD 則在幾周到幾個月內在實驗室中培育出來。製造實驗室鑽石的兩種最常見的方法是高壓高溫法 (HPHT)和化學氣相沉積法 (CVD)。


• Laboratory-grown diamonds are more affordable in comparison to natural diamonds.

•LGDs have fewer defects as they are created in a highly controlled environment and their growth process are closely monitored. 

• LGDs are ethically sourced. Since they are created in laboratories, thus eliminate associations with unethical practices such as "blood diamonds/ conflict diamonds”, child labour, and unsafe working conditions.

• LGDs are eco-friendly as they help mitigate the negative impacts of diamond mining, including soil erosion, deforestation, and ecosystem destruction.


• 實驗室培育鑽石的價格相對於天然鑽石更為經濟實惠。


• 由於LGD是在實驗室中製成,能避免「血鑽」、使用童工和不安全工作條件等較具爭議性做法,培植過程更能避免人道相關爭議。

• LGD能避免天然鑽石開採帶來的負面影響,包括土壤侵蝕、森林砍伐和生態系統等破壞,對環境更友好。

Both lab grown and natural diamonds exhibit same fire, brilliance and scintillation. They are indistinguishable with naked eyes, and can only be identified by laboratories with advanced testing instruments. 

Certificates are also available for lab grown diamonds to their authenticity and quality. They are tested and graded using the same standard (the 4Cs- carat, colour, clarity, cut) as natural diamonds.


和天然鑽石一樣,實驗室培植的鑽石也有相應的證書,以確保其真實性和質量保證。評級標準 (即4C:克拉、顏色、淨度、切工) 與測試天然鑽石相同。

The Diamonds 4Cs

The 4Cs, which refer to cut, colour, clarity and carat, are universally recognized standards for evaluating the quality of a diamond. The overall quality of a diamond is determined by considering the combination of these four factors.


Diamonds come in a wide range of colours and most white diamonds have a slight yellow tint. In the range from colourless to light yellow or light brown,  the closer a diamond is to being “colourless”, the higher its value and price tend to be.

The GIA’s D-Z scale is widely accepted as the industry standard for grading the colour of diamonds. This scale ranges from D (completely colourless) to Z (having a light yellow hue). 


 Diamonds can possess internal characteristics called inclusions and external characteristics known as blemishes. The clarity of a diamond is determined by the presence and visibility of these features. The higher the clarity grade, the fewer inclusions are present, resulting in a clearer appearance. Diamonds without inclusions or blemishes are rare; however, most characteristics can only be seen with magnification. The GIA grading scale rates diamonds from Flawless (FL) to Included (I).



Diamond cut refers to how well the diamond’s facets interact with light, the proportions of the diamond, and the finishing details. It plays a significant role in a diamond's overall beauty, as it directly affects its ability to sparkle and its overall visual appeal. GIA grades diamond cut on the scale of Ideal, Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair and Poor. 

Diamonds can be cut into different shapes, below are the most common ones: 

Round Brilliant Cut

-This is the most popular and classic diamond cut. When well-polished, diamonds with this cut exhibit excellent sparkle, brilliance, and fire.

Oval Cut

-Ovals can look larger than round diamonds of equal weight. They are good alternatives to round diamonds, providing a balance between traditional elegance and a touch of uniqueness.

Emerald Cut

-Emerald cut is defined by its rectangular facets and beveled corners. It’s simple yet bold and geometric symmetry emphasize the transparency of the diamond.


Diamond weights are expressed in metric carats, abbreviated as "cts." One carat is equal to one-fifth (0.200) of a gram. Fractions of a carat can significantly impact the price, ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars, depending on the quality of the gem.